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Blazing reactions at Wu Tsang's Carmen premiere

Blazing reactions at Wu Tsang's Carmen premiere

May 8, 2024

On Saturday, 4 May, Wu Tsang's Carmen premiered in Zurich. Reactions were blazing.
Carmen will be performed at Carré on 23 June, tickets are still available now!

Thunderous applause for a queer Carmen with a zombie.
Moved by the Motion (...) received a standing ovation for their very free version of "Carmen". (...) The expressive imagery makes it clear: house director Wu Tsang makes George Bizet's opera start at the brutal end. (...) The frankly stunning French mezzo-soprano Katia Ledoux (...) is undoubtedly the heart and highlight of the evening. Her arias and her duets with the equally engaging American tenor Ryan Capozzo as the lovestruck Don José are tender, wild and moving.
Tages Anzeiger 


At the Schauspielhaus Zurich, Wu Tsang centred an unpleasant male fantasy in "Carmen". This is great theatre.
Carmen is representative of the thousands of women killed by their husbands - or as a fantasy of a strong woman to be killed.
(...) Death is omnipresent. From the very beginning. 
- Neue Züricher Zeitung

Carmen will be performed at Carré on 23 June, tickets are still available now!

Hartwig Art Foundation and Holland Festival present

Wu Tsang, Moved by the Motion, Schauspielhaus Zürich
23 June, Royal Theatre Carré
more info & tickets