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Future Ecologies

Holland Festival, Felix Meritis, Georgina Johnson, Ana Pi, Kyu Choi

An afternoon that dives deep into the topic of climate justice through an intersectional lens, with a presentation by artist, curator and art director Georgina Johnson, a panel discussion with choreographer Ana Pi (The Divine Cypher) and Kyu Choi (artistic director Seoul Performing Arts Festival), workshops, film and performance.

This program, made by Holland Festival and Felix Merites, is an invitation to apply intersectionality to environmentalism and to imagine (artistic) strategies of decolonization within the ecological crisis we find ourselves in. How can we as individuals and (inter)national performing arts festivals take responsibility for decreasing our ecological footprint while also providing space for (internationally) unheard voices? What inequalities do we create or perpetuate, whether wittingly or unwittingly, in the name of sustainability? What role does creativity play in imagining future ecologies and changing current systems? We explore these questions not just from the perspective of festival organizers, but artists, activists and theorists as well. More information to come.


Sat June 22 1:30 PM


  • default € 20


  • English

  • Duration of performance unknown

  • Georgina Johnson

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