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Katie Mitchell


Katie Mitchell (Reading, 1964) has made a hundred shows over a long career spanning opera, theatre and live cinema. Her hallmark feminist work focuses on the female experience with a passion for formal experimentation. She is committed to finding new forms of theatre to tackle the subject of climate change. She has made two productions about the subject with scientists, and she has brought her environmental concerns to other concepts. In Atmen, the performers generate the electricity for the lighting and sound for their performance whilst acting the text; for Beckett’s Happy Days, Mitchell replaced earth with water and relocated the action of the play to the aftermath of an environmental disaster. She is currently working on a version of The Cherry Orchard from the perspective of the trees and on a performance of TOSCA off-grid. In 2012, Mitchell stopped flying in response to her work with the scientist Stephen Emmott.

Major work

2012 Ten Billion (with Stephen Emmott), Royal Court Theatre

2014 2071 (with professor Chris Rapley), Royal Court Theatre

2013 Atmen, Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz

2015 Happy Days, Schauspielhaus Hamburg 

2016 Cleansed, Royal National Theatre

2018 Lessons in Love and Violence, co-production of Royal Opera House & The Dutch National Opera (Holland Festival 2018)

2021 Not The End Of The World

Past events

  1. 2022

    theatre | Frascati - Zaal 1
  2. 2018

    opera | Nationale Opera & Ballet