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Wanted: technical support assistant (m/v/x)

Wanted: technical support assistant (m/v/x)

as temporary festival staff

Do you want to be part of an international cultural team?
Are you passionate about art and culture and eager to peek behind the scenes?
Are you versatile and enjoy varied tasks, with no two workdays alike?
we're looking for you!

What you do as technical support assistant

  • Assisting with loading and unloading trucks with technical equipment and/or set pieces. This is usually done in so-called 'flight cases': large cases on wheels, so the lifting isn't too heavy. Specialized tasks, such as setting up LED screens, are usually carried out entirely by the party from which they are rented.
  • Assisting with the setup and dismantling of sets; companies usually bring their own technicians who know exactly where everything goes. You may be paired with someone to assist.
  • Light technical work (if you have experience with this or want to learn) such as rigging trusses, rolling cables in or out, and securing lamps.
  • Show crew: assisting during a performance on the (side) stage with moving, setting up, or clearing away set pieces or technical equipment.
  • Assisting with repairing and/or painting set pieces.

Here's what your workday might look like
At 10 am, you report to the backstage tent at the Gashouder. Today, you're helping with setting up the opening performance. The tribune builder has been working for a while; luckily, you don't have to do that heavy lifting. You grab a cup of coffee and meet the technical producer and today's colleagues. The backstage area needs to be set up with tables and benches, and the tribune needs to be numbered. Additionally, a large grocery order is arriving this afternoon, and you can lend a hand to your crew catering colleague. A technician asks if you can help with some light technical tasks when setting up the lights. You enjoy gaining more 'know-how' in this area. During lunch, you hear that a show crew is needed for a certain performance at ITA, so you text the temporary staff coordinator to see if they still need people; who knows! At 6 pm, your shift ends. Today, significant progress has been made with the construction, and it looks like it's going to be a great show. Maybe in a few days, you'll try to arrange tickets with your staff pass; there's nothing quite like seeing the end result of your own work, right?

What we offer

  • Salary of €19.50 gross per hour. We work with; here you can work on an assignment basis without the hassle of administration, Chamber of Commerce (KvK) registration, or VAT number. They take care of all that for you. Additionally, you're insured as an employee through Holland Festival. This way, you keep the highest possible net amount but have all the security measures we consider important. Unfortunately, freelancing is not possible due to the DBA law.
  • The work takes place in Amsterdam, mostly in 'real' theatres, but sometimes in constructed (location) theatres such as the Gashouder or a warehouse in Amsterdam North. You can find this year's locations here.
  • The working hours are irregular; mostly during the day or in the evening and can take place between 6 am and 2 am, and sometimes at night. After midnight, the compensation is 25% higher. During weekends and holidays, you receive the regular rate of €19.50 per hour.
  • Your shifts will always be for a minimum of 3 hours. Shorter shifts do not exist.
  • It's important that you are regularly available in the month of June (weekends only is also okay).
  • You receive a staff pass that allows you to attend Holland Festival performances at a discount. Additionally, you get a Holland Festival T-shirt.
  • Fun gatherings, activities, and staff drinks are organized where you get to know your colleagues even better.
  • You get a unique behind-the-scenes look at special international productions and are part of an enthusiastic and international team.

What you bring

  • You're a social butterfly and a team player at heart! You're excited to meet a wide range of people in the vibrant international temporary staff team. Moreover, you consider collaborating with different personalities a cool challenge!
  • The 9-to-5 mentality isn't your thing! You embrace the adventurous side of the working world, where tasks often take place in the evenings and on weekends. Flexibility is your second nature; you cherish the unexpected and are open to spontaneous twists on a workday that's always full of surprises.
  • You have the ability to come home late at night (and possibly during the night) using public or private transport.

Who we are
Holland Festival is the largest international performing arts festival in the Netherlands. Thanks to the festival, internationally acclaimed performances are brought to our country that would otherwise pass by the Netherlands. 

The festival has a core team of about 25 enthusiastic and passionate employees. In the run-up to the festival, this team is supplemented with freelancers, and eventually, about 120 temporary festival workers are added. Collaboration and having fun are important to us. We work hard, but also make room for fun. In this dynamic and inspiring work environment, you as a temporary worker are indispensable for the success of the festival. 

Diversity, inclusion, and sustainability are high on the agenda. In recent editions, the festival has made great strides in this and continues to innovate in this area. We endorse the Code of Cultural Diversity and apply the method of inclusive recruitment to give people equal opportunities. In terms of sustainability, hybrid cars are used during the festival, our meals are always vegetarian, and employees and artists use reusable Holland Festival water bottles.

How do you apply?
Are you interested in working with us? Holland Festival wants to be a reflection of the current society and therefore invites everyone to apply. We select objectively and assess all applicants in the same way. Name, age, and other personal details are not shown to the selection committee. We do not ask for a cover letter or CV. Instead, we ask a few questions to get to know you better.

The success of our organization depends on the quality of our people and what they bring. A successful festival arises from a collaboration of cultures, personalities, and experiences. Even if you need assistance or support in any way, you are welcome to apply.  

You can apply for this vacancy until Wednesday, April 10th via this link 

The interviews will take place on Monday, April 15th.
If you cannot attend on this day or have any other questions, you can contact Boris Mulder by email at [email protected]